Saturday, February 01, 2003


happy lunar new year!

i had an untraditional renuion dinner with my sister and friends. we decided to have belgium instead and thus ended up again @ Belgo. it was good....but i think i over ate again. *hic* really miss all the activities back home: shopping for new clothes, going to marina square to watch fire works on the eve, and visiting my grandad's place and slurping up my aunt's wonderful chicken abalone soup and munching non-stop on those mandarin oranges while travelling around in the car. arghs. funny thing is, i am not thinking much about my red packets anymore....maybe cos i cant get to see, feel or touch them? dunno what my dad is going to do with it too! hope he will be nice and bank it into my bank. hee.

Also, on the very upper left corner, u see this 'comments' thingy, its for you to leave stuff for me. think much more longer than on the tag board. i am trying to move it to somewhere else for now, but i suck @ html! so bear with it ok?

oh! and happy sabbath. =)

p.s. my friend is still in the hospital. the newpaper had an article on her. you can read it @,4136,15031,00.html?

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