so it's 8.05 am.
i've been up the whole night doing work...
have spent the last hour doodling on an idea.
when it has finally made some 'sense',
i decide to draw it out nicely on a piece of tracing paper.
first i try my bloody expensive Rotring pen,
it doesn't work.
then another Rotring pen,
it doesn't work either.
I resorted to a cheap non-waterproof Stabilo pen,
which draws fine but decides to dry out on me when i'm not even 1/3 done.
i rummage through my pencil case
( it's big ok, not like what guys have = 1 ruler 1 pen 1 pencil )
spotted one and happily try it.
it's dry too!
i bite my lip and dig for another one...
it's another Muji one and it's black!
test it on paper and it's not black enough!!!!!
i feel like i've been bloody vodooed!!
all i want now is some sleep and a nice black pen
but it's time to prepare & head for school.
i can already sense that it's So going to be a great day...