Thursday, October 30, 2008

31st Oct

Another attempt at my 'dream' job.
I say 'Dream' because my parents think I am silly to persue it and that I'm too old.

Oh well =)

I shall keep fighting for a chance!



Anonymous said...

your dream job - being an air stewardess??? it's really silly when u're so old already... and maybe u should try for it after u've slimmed down and gotten rid of ur eyebags.

r.ang said...

Well did I mention that it was to be FSS? So if it was - then how do you know? 'Cos I know my friends are not condescending people who look down on me.

Oh wait, then again if you were my friend, you would have knowm that I HAVE lost weight.

May said...

Go for the dream job, it's your DREAM!

Sam says 'Way to go, Idaho'!

Anonymous said...

fat face, fat arms = u've slimmed down???
try harder!

Anonymous said...

Hey no name,only insecure people like you need to do something about urself.

God Bless U.

r.ang said...

I do not have to defend myself to you - a spineless person with no guts to openly disclose your identity when commenting on other people.

If you are that high and mighty with the right to be condescending - then save your comments for some other person, oh wait - or maybe for yourself.