Sunday, April 20, 2003

stupid london|crappy weather

zack's gone, my room's a mess still and i got the flu.


it's down to 8 degrees today, almost froze outside. the crappy part? weather was at a high of 24 degrees for monday till friday! woke up @ 7.30am to send zack to the airport. He's so poor thing....he came with like 20kg worth of luggage, and he's going back with 30kg. we had a huge headache trying to pack! So in the end, zack ends up with a 20kg suitcase to check in, a 13kg backpack to carry-on, a huge paperbag of 3 poster tubes and his sling bag.

conclusion: if u got something from zack from london, be grateful!


one more thing: zack called me from the plane!

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