wed:: went in for photography class, sat thru the boring intro on how to reel in the film and develop it. i figured i had to, incase i missed out on anything. has been like 3 years since i developed stuff? anyway, all went well and i got my b/w film developed in my trusty stainless steel tank. hee...i brought it over. one thing about schools in London> space is very hard to come by. my faculty's dark room has been reduce to this closet size room, with space enough for only 4 enlargers! i had to reel in my film using that black bag in which u zip ur stuff in and then stick you hands into the bag. i miss the huge darkroom in TP! boo hoo....those hours spent in the cold, dark, quiet and big room. *sigh*
had cultural studies in the afternoon, went for the lecture but didnt stay for the discussion group. went to the library instead to borrow books needed for my essay, of which i have no idea on answering! i have discovered that i know nuts about the history/movement of art and i am so going to die writing my cultural discussive essay....
headed for home at 6pm, bought mac for dinner and headed home. was rushing to do my Visual diary which is due for sharing tomorrow but i kinda give up. there's so much to be done and i aint got any strength to do it. see how my mood will be in an hour's time lah.
huge gusty winds outside now *brrr*
you know, i think i have never been made to draw so many sketches/thumbnails and read up so much before in my life!
guess that's the good part of my course.
oh well, good nite.
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